Combined with more red fruit out of trouble: a healthy snack, a between-meal snacking, or a sweet point and end in the form of dessert.
This recipe is simple, just get everything ready, mix and is made in an instant.
RECIPE Ingredients
100 g 100 g raspberry blueberry currant
100 g 200 g white cheese spreads
200 ml of whipping cream
4 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons sugar
Preparation Whip the cream and when mounting medium add the sugar and cheese. Continue until it is mounted securely.
Wash separately the three types of fruit, without letting them soak. Dry and spread the berries into 4 dessert glasses.
Arrange a layer of cream cheese mixture over the raspberries and sprinkle the surface with 1 tablespoon of honey.
Cover with another layer of cream cheese, spread over blueberries and, finally, put a layer of cream.
To decorate place a spoonful of currant each cup and let the dessert in the refrigerator is very cold at the time of serving.
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